I am slowly going back to regular Spiritual Practice.
I will enrol for a shamanic drum workshop which includes a drum ceremony for healing and inspiration on the end of May. By the end of that course, I will get my own drum with its own spirit guide and (well, dreaming is free) a drum circle. I also plan to actively engage in Shamanic Healing ventures, even if they are for free.
I am active as never before on my Three Souls work, and I feel my GodSelf watching over me and inspiring me all the time, and also I can hear my Fetch more constantly and what it has to say more often. I'm still to get to the point when GodSelf will actually possess me.
And tonight I am watching a lecture on Epitectus. I hope that will inspire me to do the exercises on Thorn Coyle's 'Evolutionary Witchcraft' workbook.
Next Spiritual Goals on my never-ending to-do list are: Trancework, Otherworld Journeys and Vision Quests; get back on track with my Feri Training; Scry at least once a week; incorporate all this stuff in my Art; get a whole Craft together that includes all my Passions and that will shine my uniqueness through. '(...)For a healthy priest makes all things sound' (Francesca deGrandis).
What are your spiritual goals?
l'obscurité est mon seul ami
5 years ago
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