Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A year with Theo

'Theos' is God in Ancient Greek. But Theo is also the name of a wise terrier character my guru's sister, Elizabeth Cameron-Evans, created to represent what she refers to as 'what happens when you try to shoehorn someone creative into corporate life'. Therefore, Theo is also me.

Yesterday morning I turned the last page of Julia Cameron's 'the Artist's Date Book', a book with 365 pages, one for each day of 'a Year of Creativity', each with one of Theo's witty cartoons illustrating one of 'the Artist's Way' principles and ideas, space to write whatever we wanted, a tick box for Morning Pages done and a a suggestion for a cool Artist Date. I had been reading (and playing with) about one page a day for the past year, and Theo proved to be the best company I could have. Theo rocks, and transformed me.

Unfortunately, I found no pic of Theo in the Internet. Too bad, I really wanted you to see him. I'm sure you'd be in love.

Anyway, is the book is highly recommended for anybody seeking to lighten up, renovate the Faith in the Path and reboost the Creative Spirit. The world definetely could use more of that.