Thursday, December 29, 2005

This Year's Year-Ender!!

This year, the number of people receiving this message has been multiplied by three. It makes me happy and honoured to have more shining people being part of my life, whether on a more constant or sporadic basis, as both the reliable buddies of come-rain-or-come-shine and the inspiring visits have helped me make the year 2005 of the Common Era the best year of my life. For this, and for many other reasons, I should begin the message by thanking the kindness, the companionship and the loveliness that I have received from the incredible people I got to know (or know better) this year.
And the first of my New Year wishes is that you have always sincere and strong people around you, reminding you of your worthiness, of your singularity that makes you charming and essential, and of the flaws and addictions that you need to repair or overcome.
I also wish for each of us valorous and worthy adversaries, who force us to play clean and fair, and that teach us that the one and true enemy lies within each of ourselves.
May we conquer more freedom and autonomy, because depending on others is awful and Dignity is a basic need of the human being. But may we always have a warm hug and protection too, because it is equally necessary to weep and feel unconditionally appreciated.
Above all, may we learn to be unconditional in 2006. I mean, free of conditions. May we be assertive, authentic, free, spontaneous and committed to Happiness, because only when we are free from all conditions and conditionings we can see that Happiness is just before us all the time, imploring to dance with us the Spiral Dance of Existence.
Follow your Bliss in 2006!
Much Light and Shadows, much Love,
December 29th, 2005